With the average small business and site spending $75,000 a year on digital marketing, budgets are stretched thin in every industry. No matter what kind of website you run, you need to improve your hit rate to stay competitive. The best way to do that is by creating good website content.
Here are the five most important things you need to do to improve your content.
You Need More Video
Within the next couple of years, video will account for more than 80% of all content on the internet. It’s no accident that every platform available is trying to figure out how to add more fast streaming content. If you’re not adding video to your site, you need to catch up.
You should be creating video content at least once a week. This allows you to be found on one of the fastest growing search engines, YouTube.
Video also gives you something to share on social media. Video gets higher engagement rates than any other kind of content on social media.
You should also subtitle your videos. Adding subtitles to your videos allows you to give people an idea of what the content is about before they commit to watching. Without interrupting any music or audio that’s already playing, you can give them a taste of what you’re trying to share.
Subtitles also serve an additional purpose of giving search engines another way to get a taste for what your keywords are. When the subtitles and script of your video contain instances of the keywords vital to your brand, you can capture more viewers.
Images Need To Fit, In Every Way
The images that you add to your site need to fit, in every sense of the word. When you add images to your site, they need to fit within the boundaries of your page, scale, and display easily. They also need to fit the content of what you’re putting on your page.
You should be keeping a blog so that you can add content to your site on a regular and consistent basis. Every single post that you make should have an accompanying image. Those images should be scaled to display on mobile devices as well as desktops.
If your images don’t look good on smartphones and tablets, you’re not going to keep viewers around for long. Resize your images to fit the width of your page rather than leaving it up to browsers to do the hard work
The images you add need to also fit the context of the information that you’re posting about. You can’t just grab any old stock photo from the web and plop it in. Viewers need a clue about what they’re going to read about before they invest the time into what you’re offering them.
Do Your Research
In order to improve the content on your website, you need to know what you’re talking about. The things that you write have to have some research behind them.
Include links to other more reputable sources than your own site. Connect to trusted news sources or industry-specific literature. the better your links are, the higher that search engines will rank your site.
Use keywords that make sense to your audience. Start with a little bit of opposition research.
Try to find your website on search engines without naming your brand. See what else comes up. If you’re not using these keywords on your own site and your competitors are, it’s time to change up your keywords.
Add them to the metadata behind your images and videos. Add them to your blog posts and to the header of your website. Wherever it makes sense, mention your location, the kind of products and services you offer, as well as any important terms in your industry.
Change your keywords every year so that you’re on top of the latest trends in your industry.
Hire A Guest Blogger
Hiring a guest blogger offers lots of benefits. Not only do you not have to create all of the content for your site on your own, but other bloggers will love the opportunity to get their name out there.
If there are other companies like yours that you aren’t competing with, offer to exchange blog posts. This way you can get your company’s details and your own name on some other sites and share each other’s audience. The more people who you spread your knowledge to, the more people across your industry who will get to know about you and what you offer.
Your website content needs a boost every now and then and there’s nothing better than a fresh voice to bring in new people. Even your most loyal devotees will be excited to hear from a new person.
Hire a Consultant
Hiring consultants can help you figure out where the strengths and weaknesses are on your website. Getting a second pair of eyes on your website content is valuable. There is a lot that you could be overlooking.
A consultant can help you to generate new content for your blog and your website. One of the best places to start is to think about what the most frequently asked questions are for your business. Those are the things that people want to know the most.
Each answer to a question could result in a 500-word blog post. Title it something obvious and apparent and you’ll find you’ll start racking up clicks. Your consultant will be able to look at how you’re writing and give you tips to make sure that each blog post ranks as high as possible.
Your Website Content is What People Love
When you create strong website content, you show that you appreciate the time of your visitors. You also get the opportunity to get access to more viewers because good content gets shared on social media. Combined with your increased bump on search engines, you’ll also be seen as an authority in your industry.
If you’re considering hiring a designer to improve your site, check out our comparison between designers and high-quality templates. Contact us today to discuss your project!
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